- Baidu Tieba
- Chinese forums
- Online community
- Discussion boards
- Interest groups
- Social networking
- User-generated content
- Topic forums
- Baidu Post Bar
- Community discussions
Description: “Join Baidu Tieba, the leading Chinese online community for discussions on a wide range of topics. Connect with like-minded individuals, share your interests, and explore user-generated content across various forums. Discover the power of community!”
- 百度贴吧
- 中文论坛
- 在线社区
- 讨论板块
- 兴趣小组
- 社交网络
- 用户生成内容
- 主题论坛
- 百度贴吧
- 社区讨论
描述: “加入百度贴吧,领先的中文在线社区,讨论各种话题。与志同道合的人交流,分享您的兴趣,探索各个论坛的用户生成内容。发现社区的力量!”